Olly Octopus' Shirt

Olly Octopus' Shirt

by Radha & the Kiwi Kids
for age 3-8 years

Track list and audio samples below

Full of fun and confidence, Olly the Octopus helps us with sun-sense, keeping safe, crossing the road, learning to dress & lacing-up our shoes, and eating healthy food. Olly also helps us learn about our emotions and enjoy positive social relationships.

This album features music-assisted learning for ages 3-8 yrs. - The Essential Skills of Keeping Safe: crossing the road, what to do when we're lost, using hot things, being aware of poisons, sun-sense, and 'your body belongs to you.'

  • The Essential Skills of Independence: such as dressing ourselves, tying our own shoes and blowing our noses, knowing our address
  • The Essential Skills of Health & Happy Relationships: how to find positive ways of being, simple courtesy in social situations, and encouragement to eat and sleep well. …and Olly helps children have fun as they learn!

Mastering the developmental tasks of life gives us a sense of achievement. Research shows that music can accelerate learning. Through carefully chosen words, Olly helps children recall essential learning effectively; more effectively than by instruction alone. An accompanying Teachers Guide, has input from advisors in special needs and classroom teachers.

Catalogue No: UCA47-D

 I'm Healthy and I Know It

Catalogue No: UCA47-D

CD Track Titles

  1. Olly Octopus' Shirt
  2. I Know My Address
  3. Crossing The Street
  4. When Olly's Angry
  5. Gimme Five
  6. Tying My shoes
  7. Grandma's Glasses
  8. Keep Safe
  9. I’m Healthy and I Know It
  10. PTE
  11. Jill the Clipper
  12. Underwater Poem
  13. Underwater Dreamworld

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